Practical material World Leprosy Day: 'Ending Stigma, Embracing Dignity' the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH) . 2024; Access resource
Practical material Power, participation and promoting equity in the management of skin NTDs iCHORDS . Knowledge Exchange Café. 2023; Access resource
Practical material Addressing Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) using gender-specific and human rights based framework iCHORDS . Knowledge Exchange Café. 2024; Access resource
Practical material Unlocking Organisational Impact Through the NTD Inclusion Score Card (NISC) Ejiogu B, van Wijk R. 2023; Access resource
Practical material Noma: a highly neglected disease The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) . 2023; Access resource
Practical material Climate & Health: linkages between Climate Change and... The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) . 2023; Access resource
Practical material WHO Toolkit for WASH & Neglected Tropical Diseases - Webinar recordings and presentation NTD NGO Network (NNN) , World Health Organization , sustainable sanitation alliance (Susana) . 2019; Access resource
Practical material A critical step towards active surveillance of neglected diseases: lessons from case detection in hard-to-reach communities The International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) . ISNTD Connect Series. 2023; Access resource
Practical material More than Medicine: Eliminating Trachoma in Mozambique Act to End NTDs | East Program , RTI International , USAID . 2023; Access resource