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Online course

Infrastructure for Good Governance

Course details

Year developed
Target audience
Target audiences
Health workers
Management & Organization
Policy makers / MoH
Cross-cutting topic(s)

About this course

The purpose of this course is to provide participants with the knowledge to develop and implement the organizational setup needed to ensure the good governance of all types of health service delivery organizations. 

By the end of this course, learners will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the 11 critical infrastructural elements that facilitate the work of governing bodies
  • Name three types of governing bodies and their degrees of decision-making control
  • Recognize governing competencies and identify at least three strategies for recruiting people with these competencies
  • Understand the importance of and identify strategies to foster good stakeholder relationships
  • List the five key policies that guide a high-performing governing body
  • Identify at least three ways to improve the quality and effectiveness of meetings
  • List the five methods of building trust among stakeholders in a good governance relationship
  • Describe the types of information needed for good governance decision-making