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Online course

Economic Evaluation Basics

Course details

Year developed
Target audience
Target audiences
Management & Organization
Policy makers / MoH
Project staff

About this course

PEPFAR-funded programs require rigorous monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in order to determine whether they are meeting their objectives, being implemented as planned, and are efficient in terms of using resources wisely to achieve desired public health outcomes.  

In the face of increasing economic constraints, it is critically important to evaluate how best to utilize available resources. The information gained from economic analyses on the cost and value of public health activities helps decision makers to make choices that are based on data.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the key concepts of economic evaluation
  • Describe the role of economic evaluation within the field of international public health
  • Identify the common methods of economic evaluation and determine which method best suits a given situation
  • Understand the process of how to conduct an economic evaluation
  • Recognize how the application of economic evaluation methods can influence policy and program-related decisions