
Exploring Enablers And Barriers In Implementing Multicomponent Nutrition And WASH Education Programs: Insights From School Teachers And Management – A Qualitative Study


Malnutrition among adolescents has been identified as major issue in low income developing countries which causes deficiencies of important vitamins and proteins leading to extreme situations, susceptibility to infections and many other health hazards. The research intended to explore the perceptions of school going adolescents and their mothers/immediate care takers regarding nutrition, and WASH (water, sanitation & Hygiene) practices at school. Qualitative exploratory descriptive study can provide invaluable information toward the enablers and barriers in implementing multicomponent nutrition and WASH education program. Data was extracted from three focus group discussions conducted with school teachers and four IDIs with their school principals in Hyderabad city. FGDs were conducted with the help of semi structured, open-ended questions. Data analysis was performed with Creswell framework. Categories and themes were created. Identified themes were awareness about nutrition, provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene, paucity and constrains for the implementation of nutrition and education related program. Subthemes explained the deficiencies, lack of resources, poor governmental support, low socioeconomic status and cultural factors. Findings indicted that school support for Nutrition and WASH education was limited which undermine the capacity of school education program to enhance the nutritional status of the adolescents.

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Journal Article
Perveen S
Karmaliani DR
Mistry DR
Barolia DR
Jameel F