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Online course

Population, Health, and Environment

Course details

Year developed
Target audience
Target audiences
Management & Organization
Policy makers / MoH
Project staff

About this course

The Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) approach to community development aims to simultaneously improve access and equity to primary health care services, particularly family planning and reproductive health, while also helping communities conserve biodiversity, manage natural resources, and develop sustainable livelihoods.

PHE often goes the “last mile” by extending services beyond existing government and private health care clinics and hospitals to extremely remote communities. In addition to improving health and conservation outcomes, the integrated PHE approach may support people to become more resilient and better able to adapt to climate change. Today, the number of organizations implementing PHE projects is increasing, and interest in this approach continues to grow among stakeholders and decisionmakers at the local, national, regional, and international level.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and describe the PHE approach
  • Recognize the benefits of PHE programming (for invididual sectors and value-added indicators)
  • Understand the PHE policy and practice landscape
  • Identify opportunities for PHE integration at the policy and programmatic levels