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Online course

Fostering Change in Health Services

Course details

Year developed
Target audience
Target audiences
Management & Organization
Project staff

About this course

This course is designed to build the skills of those who are in a position to support change agents in health service delivery. These change agents may be either local health practitioners and managers or mid-level program managers who champion a change in their programs.

Their potential supporters "you, the primary audience for this course" include USAID mission staff, as well as representatives of cooperating agencies and the organizations those agencies work with. Many elements of the course can be useful for and shared with change agents at all levels.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe an effective pathway to changing and improving health care practices in developing countries.
  • Define eight principles for supporting a change in health care practices.
  • Identify success factors that build local capacity and smooth the way for effective change in health care practices.
  • Describe the steps to support a change in practices, from initiation through widespread use.
  • Discuss the process for building scale-up into the change process from the beginning.
  • Describe the principles for effectively communicating change to varied audiences and generating long-term commitment throughout the process.