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Online course

Dependency to Partnership: Leading/Managing Change

Course details

Year developed
Target audience
Target audiences
Management & Organization
Policy makers / MoH

About this course

The international development community has come to realize that if foreign aid is to be sustainable, the donor/recipient relationship must shift from dependency to partnership. It has become increasingly clear that the lasting impact of health programs depends on the desire and ability of countries to plan, manage, and evaluate their own programs.

This critical shift cannot happen unless strong, committed individuals emerge with the desire and ability to lead and manage the necessary changes. They will demonstrate the leadership that steers their working groups and organizations to face challenges and to collaborate towards the achievement of a common vision. At the same time, they will understand and support the critical "here and now" management skills that enable their working groups and organizations to achieve those desired results.

This course will introduce you to the practices of leading and managing that underlie successful change and that are essential to foreign assistance programs that work.

This course is a follow-on to the Dependency to Partnership: It's About Change course. Similarly, it is intended for HIV/AIDS program staff in developing countries or in organizations based in the US, as well as for US government staff (program, policy, and contracts) who are involved in designing, leading, or participating in a country-led HIV/AIDS initiative.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to: 

  • Cite the five principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and Accra Agenda  
  • Summarize the contributions of four stakeholder groups to implementing these principles  
  • Explain how leadership and management practices can contribute to implementing the principles 
  • Assess their own potential for leadership and management roles within their stakeholder group