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Online course

The ABCs of Diagnosing Hyperhidrosis

Photo credit: WHO/Nazik Armenakyan
Photo credit: WHO/Nazik Armenakyan

Course details

Year developed
Target audience
Target audiences
Community health volunteers
Health workers

About this course

This course provides healthcare providers with the information necessary to appropriately diagnose hyperhidrosis (extreme, uncontrollable sweating beyond what is physiologically necessary or expected, also called Hh) and to differentiate between primary focal and secondary hyperhidrosis. Participants will learn the prevalence of Hh, the mental health and quality of life impacts of Hh, the differences between primary and secondary Hh, the key components of Hh diagnosis (ABCs of Hh diagnosis), and about the different focal areas commonly affected by Hh. This course is designed to enhance clinical proficiency and improve patient outcomes by equipping participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical tools for hyperhidrosis diagnosis. Through participation in this educational experience, healthcare professionals will learn essential criteria for identifying and differentiating between primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. Participants will garner systematic approaches to relevant medical history-taking, physical examination, and diagnostic criteria, thus enabling accurate diagnosis.

What you'll learn

  • Differentiate Primary vs Secondary Hyperhidrosis
  • Explain The Criteria Used to Diagnose Hyperhidrosis
  • Describe The ABCs of Hyperhidrosis Diagnosis
  • Discuss the Quality of Life and Mental Health Impacts of Hyperhidrosis