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Using ethnographic film in tackling podoconiosis

Abstract Background Ethiopia has one of the worst podoconiosis rates in the world, affecting >1.5 million patients. We present our ethnographic film ‘Tigist, the story of a girl with podoconiosis’ and its potential use in tackling podoconiosis. Methods We conducted visual ethnography, consisting of video-recorded participant observations and interviews with seven patients, three healthcare workers and two podoconiosis experts. Results We acquired video recordings of social moments, the state of podoconiosis patients’ bodies and minds, their emotions and the impact of poverty. Conclusions Our film allows for an intensified understanding of patients’ daily experiences with podoconiosis, potentially impacting care, awareness and medical teaching programs.

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Journal Article
Cremers AL
Visser BJ
Getahun Z
Borku M
Meskele E
Ahmed J
van Vugt M
Birnie E