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Teacher Toolkits for Schistosomiasis

These Schistosomiasis Teacher Toolkits provide teachers with an approach and materials to increase pupils’ knowledge about schistosomiasis prevention, control, and treatment. They are structured to encourage active learning – ensuring students are highly engaged in discussion and activities. Active learning increases students' understanding and retention of key behavior change ideas.

Schistosomiasis Teacher Toolkits are available for teaching about urogenital schistosomiasis and intestinal schistosomiasis. The toolkits were designed to help teachers work with pupils to reduce schistosomiasis in their communities. Each toolkit has two main parts:

  1. The Schistosomiasis Classroom Toolkit provides lesson plans, activity suggestions, and other tools for teachers to use in their classrooms and with the broader community.
    • Eight lesson plans designed to teach students about prevention, control, and treatment of schistosomiasis using active learning approaches
    • Teacher’s Guide for Activities and Safe Play
    • The Schistosomiasis Flipchart
    • The Schistosomiasis Parent Handout
  2. The seven Teacher Training Slide Sets can be used to train teachers in principles of active learning; schistosomiasis prevention and control, and treatment; and how to use the Classroom Toolkit with their students.

All documents that are part of the toolkit can be downloaded on the website. 

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