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Reducing stigma and discrimination faced by children and adults with disabilities (COSP17 Side Event)

United Nations . 2024;


Approximately 1.3 billion people – or 16% of the global population - are persons with disabilities, including almost 240 million children. Many of them experience stigma and discrimination in their daily lives.


UNICEF, UN-Women, Sightsavers, Light for the World in partnership with other Missions to the UN are organizing a side event to share knowledge, present new tools and lessons learned on systematically reducing stigma towards children and adults with disabilities.

Key messages:

  • Promote leadership and building capacity of persons with disabilities in design, implementation and monitoring of integrated strategies to reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Prioritize the agenda of reducing stigma and discrimination of children and adults with disabilities, especially women and girls
  • Address at the policy level and invest in systematic work to reduce stigma and discrimination faced by children and adults with disabilities.


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