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Protocol Genomic DNA extraction from freshwater snail tissues

Bonner K, Bollmann S, Adema C, et al. n.d.;

This protocol is to help researchers working with freshwater gastropods related to the transmission of schistosomes, and particularly those looking at extracting high quality intact DNA for next generation sequencing purposes. This protocol offers a general outline that can be tailored to the contents, purposes and labs that use them, and may require further refinement to fit users’ needs. the manufacturers of any products mentioned or referenced should be contacted for more information on products, and other/alternative products may be available.

*The GSA and its members and partners take no responsibility for any incorrect information or inadequate or negative outcome from the use of these protocols.

*The opinions and views expressed in these protocols, and on the GSA website do not reflect those of any academic, research, private, philanthropic or other members of GSA partners organisations.

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