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One Health Toolkit

Internews Health Journalism Network . 2023;

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral approach that recognizes the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment with the objective of achieving optimal health outcomes. This toolkit is part of the Building Community Resilience through Emergency Communications and Preparedness project in the islands of Barbados and Dominica. The project is supported by the Clara Lionel Foundation. The Eastern Caribbean islands of Barbados and Dominica are facing increasingly devastating impacts from disasters, including hurricanes, flooding, and volcanic ash from neighboring islands. These disasters are fueled by changing weather patterns, as well as infectious diseases that emerge in other parts of the world. This interactive and multimedia One Health toolkit is meant for information providers who are on the frontline when responding to disasters and emergencies. They include public officials, journalists, civil society, and academic institutions.

The goal of this resource is to mainstream One Health into everyday conversations to build resilience and better prepare for future disasters and emergencies. Though conceived for a regional audience, this toolkit is also relevant for a global audience as it brings into focus a local reality, while connecting the dots across sectors and with the larger picture. The toolkit chapters are released sequentially, from October 2023 until March 2024. Please, help us share this resource so that it can be used by as many people as possible.

The toolkit chapters are:

1. The Concept of One Health: Unity is Strength!

2. Human Health: Factors that Impact our Wellbeing

3. Difficult Coexistence: A Planet Under Siege

4. One Health: Time to Think in Blue!.

5. Animal Health: The Embrace of the Species

6. Tracking Disinformation in the One Health Space

Please visit this link to access all related audiovisual and manual sources. 

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