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Missed Campaign Integration Opportunities: Development of an algorithm-based tool to identify potential co-delivery opportunities in 7 countries between 2019-2023

On March 20, 2024, the HCE Coalition presented a webinar detailing an algorithm-based tool designed by Linksbridge, in collaboration with the IA 2030 DSI workgroup, to identify potentially compatible health campaigns for co-delivery using Health Campaigns Intelligence Hub data. The design team, comprising Linskbridge data scientists Erik Osland and Andy Torkelson, along with IA2030 DSI workgroup co-chairs Anindya Bose,Team Lead, VPD Surveillance and Risk Assessment, WHO/IVB, and Pratima Raghunathan, Accelerated Disease Control Branch Chief, Global Immunization Division, CDD, provided context to the analysis along with details on the algorithm’s scope, input data, methods, and results for campaigns in seven countries between 2019-2023.

The algorithm identified both familiar and novel combinations of interventions for potential co-delivery, finding that over half of the campaigns analyzed had at least one missed potential integration opportunity. Audience members were excited about using the tool for planning and funding future integrated campaigns, highlighting the importance of further application and learning at the country level, and suggesting the addition of a costing component. 

View webinar slides.

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