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Online course

Knowledge Management (KM) in Global Health Programs

Course details

Year developed
Target audience
Target audiences
Health workers
Management & Organization
Policy makers / MoH
Project staff

About this course

Knowledge management (KM) is the intentional and ongoing process of generating new knowledge, capturing and organizing existing knowledge, adapting that knowledge to meet different audiences' needs and sharing it at the right time in a format that is useful and usable.

Health care providers, program managers, and policy makers around the world require evidence-based information and knowledge to reduce duplication of effort across programs and activities and increase efficiency, inform decision making, and improve the quality of services. 

By the end of the course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify the key elements of KM
  • List common KM processes
  • Describe how KM can address some of today’s global health challenges
  • Identify the key steps in implementing a KM initiative
  • Name at least three KM interventions and techniques
  • Recall at least three examples of indicators that can be used to assess KM interventions
