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 till  22/11/2024

HSR Global Symposium on Health Systems Research


Nagasaki, Japan

About the event

The theme of the 8th edition of this symposium is "Building Just and Sustainable Health Systems Centring People and Protecting the Planet". 

Climate change is impacting health and health systems. Strong health systems are important in achieving health for all, which is not only a goal of Health Systems Global, but an international goal – as reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With this in mind the 2024 Symposium is centred on the importance of people-focused health systems which are responding to global change and looking to protect our planet for the future.

The sub-themes are:

1. Strenthening Health Systems for Planetary Health

2. Advancing justice, inclusion, and belonging in health systems, in times of pleace and conflict

3. Health governance, policy and institutional frameworks for just and sustainable health systems

4. Knowledge for just health systems