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[Application of the Portuguese version of the abbreviated instrument of quality life WHOQOL-bref].


INTRODUCTION: The need of short instruments to evaluate Quality of life determines World Health Organization Quality of Life Group (WHOQOL Group) to develop an abbreviated version of the WHOQOL-100, the WHOQOL-bref. The objective is to present the Brazilian field trial of the WHOQOL-bref.

METHODS: WHOQOL-bref is composed by 26 questions divided in four domains: physical, psychological, social relationships and environment. The evaliation instrument, BDI (beck depression inventory) and BHS (beck hopelessness scale) were used in a 300 subjects sample in Porto Alegre, South Brazil.

RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: The instrument showed a good performance concerning internal consistency, discriminant validity, criterion validity, concurrent validity and test-retest reliability. The intrument allies good psychometric performance and practicity for use which puts it as an interesting option to evaluate quality of life in Brazil.

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Journal Article
Fleck M P
Louzada S
Xavier M
Chachamovich E
Vieira G
Santos L
Pinzon V