00868nas a2200229 4500000000100000008004100001653001400042653002500056653001200081100001200093700001400105700001200119700001500131700001200146700001100158700001500169245008600184856005100270300001200321490000700333520029800340 2016 d10asymposium10apost elimination era10aleprosy1 aSingh I1 aLavania M1 aNigam A1 aTurankar R1 aAhuja M1 aJohn A1 aSengupta U00aSymposium on emerging needs in leprosy research: The Leprosy Mission Trust India. uhttps://leprosyreview.org/article/87/1/13-2143 a132-1430 v873 a
This symposium was held by The Leprosy Mission Trust India (TLMTI) to highlight the present situation, identify the gaps in knowledge, inform the participants of the most recent developments in leprosy research and emphasize the urgent need to find solutions to the issues of leprosy.