TY - RPRT AU - Impact Global Health AB -
The R&D landscape for neglected diseases shows choices are being made. How do we know if they’re the right ones? A flat line in overall global health R&D funding coupled with an increase in tropical diseases as the planet gets hotter means tough choices are on the agenda. The challenge for funders and policy makers looking to have maximum impact is to understand the context, choose wisely, and find innovative approaches to lower the cost of R&D. Our latest report helps you make smart decisions.
LA - eng N2 -The R&D landscape for neglected diseases shows choices are being made. How do we know if they’re the right ones? A flat line in overall global health R&D funding coupled with an increase in tropical diseases as the planet gets hotter means tough choices are on the agenda. The challenge for funders and policy makers looking to have maximum impact is to understand the context, choose wisely, and find innovative approaches to lower the cost of R&D. Our latest report helps you make smart decisions.
PB - Impact Global Health PY - 2025 TI - Smart Decisions: The G-FINDER 2024 Neglected Disease R&D report UR - https://cdn.impactglobalhealth.org/media/G-FINDER-2024_Smart-Decisions_full-report.pdf ER -