02941nas a2200277 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042653001300054653001400067653001400081653001400095653001100109653002200120100001900142700001300161700001700174700001300191700001200204700001400216245019700230856009200427300000900519490000700528520211400535022001402649 2023 d c01/202310aEthiopia10aAttitudes10aKnowledge10aPractices10aRabies10aSystematic review1 aWoldegeorgis B1 aGenebo A1 aGebrekidan A1 aKassie G1 aAzeze G1 aAsgedom Y00aKnowledge, attitudes and prevention practices related to dog-mediated rabies in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational epidemiological studies from inception to 2023. uhttps://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1276859/pdf?isPublishedV2=False a1-160 v113 a

Background: Rabies is a horrific and neglected zoonotic disease that kills thousands of people worldwide each year and continues to pose threats to public health. Prevention and control of dog-transmitted rabies require mapping the level of understanding, perception, and existing practices to minimize its impacts on health. Therefore, we undertook this systematic review and meta-analysis to pool evidence from available data on knowledge, attitudes, and prevention practices regarding the disease from studies conducted in various areas of Ethiopia.

Methods: Articles were searched in electronic bibliographic medical databases such as the Excerpta Medica database, PubMed, Web of Science, African Journals Online, Google Scholar, and Scopus. We used Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and STATA software version 16 for the data excerption and analysis, respectively. The variability among studies was evaluated via Higgins and Thompson's statistics and the test (significant at ≤ 0.1). The Dersimonian and Laird random-effect meta-analysis model was used to estimate the pooled effect at a 95% uncertainty interval (UI). Visual inspection and Egger's test (significant at ≤ 0.05) were used to identify the presence of small-study effects.

Results: The search identified 1,249 electronic records. Of them, 27 studies involving 11,150 participants met the inclusion criteria. The pooled prevalence of a good level of knowledge was 62.24% (95% UI: 48.56, 75.92). Furthermore, the pooled prevalence of a favorable level of attitudes towards rabies and a good level of rabies prevention practices was only 56.73% (95% UI: 47.16, 66.29) and 52.73% (95% UI: 43.32, 62.15), respectively.

Conclusion: The study revealed credible gaps in attitudes and prevention practices, though some level of knowledge about dog-mediated rabies was demonstrated. Therefore, we call for country-wide cross-sectoral collaboration to allow for the realization of a global elimination strategy for dog-mediated human rabies.
