01212nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001260003800042100003100080245013200111856006300243520079600306 2020 d bWorld Health OrganizationaGeneva1 aWorld Health Organization 00aIncorporating intersectional gender analysis into research on infectious diseases of poverty - A toolkit for health researchers uhttps://apps.who.int/iris/rest/bitstreams/1304091/retrieve3 a


This toolkit aims to strengthen the capacity of researchers working on infectious diseases of poverty by incorporating an intersectional gender approach.

The objectives of this document are to:
1) strengthen the research capacity of disease-affected countries in intersectional gender approaches;
2) understand and address barriers to effective and quality implementation of health interventions oriented to prevent and control infectious diseases; and
3) explore solutions for enhancing equality in access to quality health care.

While this toolkit includes a focus on research that prioritizes the prevention and control of infectious diseases of poverty, it is equally relevant to other health research and interventions.