02167nas a2200193 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042653004300054653005700097653004000154100001200194700001200206245014200218856026000360300000900620490000700629520132300636022001401959 2022 d bMDPI AG10aManagement, Monitoring, Policy and Law10aRenewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment10aGeography, Planning and Development1 aMbah MF1 aEast LA00aHow Can “Community Voices” from Qualitative Research Illuminate Our Understanding of the Implementation of the SDGs? A Scoping Review uhttps://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/4/2136/pdf&hl=en&sa=X&d=11926880374630022547&ei=rvYPYsrjJdWUy9YPjceruAc&scisig=AAGBfm2F1mMjI63MP1-8xpSM0WDqk0wJeQ&oi=scholaralrt&hist=K3bRSt0AAAAJ:205806429980713223:AAGBfm3DRM1g a21360 v143 a

In 2015, the United Nations committed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to drive global development policy and practice. Six years into the implementation of the 15-year agenda, the SDGs are subject to extensive monitoring and research at the national, regional, and global levels using quantitative data sets. In contrast, this scoping review considered the contribution of qualitative research studies published in 2021, utilizing data collected from local, place-based community participants. Qualitative research with community participants connects global policy with place-based experience, thus potentially offering a valuable perspective on SDG implementation. Searches were carried out using the Scopus database to identify studies that explicitly linked their aims and objectives to the SDGs. Fifty-four papers met the criteria for inclusion in the review and were charted, mapped, and analysed. For the majority of studies, data collection was carried out in lower-middle income and low-income countries. The “voices” of community participants highlight tensions and challenges affecting the implementation of the SDGs. Reviewing this body of research as a whole identified opportunities to strengthen future qualitative research that will further illuminate progress towards the SDGs.
