01618nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260001600042100001200058700002300070700001800093245005800111520130100169022001401470 2025 d bElsevier BV1 aKuper H1 aMpanju-Shumbusho W1 aShakespeare T00aBuilding leadership in disability inclusion in health3 a

There are 1ยท3 billion disabled people globally.1 Many of these individuals live positive lives and celebrate important achievements, but they also frequently face challenges to inclusion and achieving their rights, largely because of societal barriers and stigmatising attitudes. A key area in which people with disabilities often face barriers is in achieving good health and health-care access.2 Indeed, evidence shows that disabled people have a 14-year shortfall in life expectancy compared with people without disabilities,3 and that many early deaths would be avoidable through improved health care and public health measures.2,4

