02316nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001260005400042653002900096653002700125100001200152245010500164856011300269490000600382520178200388 2024 d b“SAMHITA” Multi-Disciplinary Research Journal10aGlobal Health Governance10aPublic health policies1 aJoshi S00aGlobal Health Governance: The Role of International Organizations in Shaping Public Health Policies uhttps://journals.bmusurat.ac.in/assets/upload/journals/Vol-2_Issue-2_2024/BMUSMDRJ.2024.2.2.Full.pdf#page=100 v23 a
The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and the World Bank are three international institutions that play a crucial role in the development and execution of global public health policy. This research paper examines this. The paper offers a thorough summary of the responsibilities and roles of these important organizations, emphasizing their contributions towards the governance of global health. The paper highlights the efficacy of these organizations in addressing a range of health challenges by analysing some of their successful public health initiatives, including the World Bank's health financing projects, the UN's health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the WHO's Global Polio Eradication Initiative. It also emphasizes important limits and concerns in global health governance, such as problems with financing, political and bureaucratic roadblocks, coordinating, and responding to new health risks. The study provides tactical suggestions for improving the efficacy and efficiency of international health organizations to solve these issues. These suggestions include enhancing interagency cooperation, obtaining long-term financing, boosting political support, optimizing internal procedures, and fortifying quick reaction systems. The purpose of this study is to highlight the vital role that international organizations play in solving global health concerns and advancing public health by looking at these important features. The goal of this analysis is to offer suggestions for strengthening global health governance so that it can more effectively address present and upcoming health issues. For researchers, stakeholders, and policymakers, this report is an invaluable resource in the field of global health