00893nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001100005000042245007600092856007200168300000800240520053500248 2023 d1 aInternational Coalition for Trachoma Control 00aAddressing Trachoma among Refugees in Zambia's Mayukwayukwa Settlement uhttps://a.storyblok.com/f/274450/x/55d5a743d8/zambia-case-study.pdf a1-23 a

Special populations, including refugees, internally displaced persons, indigenous and nomadic communities, vary significantly in terms of their cultural practices, spoken languages, and socioeconomic and political status. However, many special populations share common challenges in accessing health services, including interventions for trachoma, the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness. This case study presents experiences from Zambia aimed at improving access to trachoma interventions for refugees.