@article{98064, keywords = {Molecular Biology, Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Pit Viper Bite, integrated traditional chinese and western medicine, Meta-Analysis, traditional chinese medicine}, author = {Lv D}, title = {Meta-analysis of the efficacy of combined Chinese and Western medical treatment versus western medical treatment alone on pit viper bites}, abstract = {
This paper uses Meta-analysis to explore the differences in the clinical efficacy of combined Chinese and Western medical treatment of pit viper bites versus Western medicine alone. By searching English databases (PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library) and Chinese databases (CNKI, Wanfang and VIP), we collected original studies related to this problem. After data extraction, meta-analysis was performed using 5.2–0 in R language. In this study, a total of 7891 patients with pit viper bites were included in 9 studies. Combined Chinese and Western medicine treatment may be superior to Western medicine treatment alone with an OR of 5.30 and 95% CI of 3.90–7.21. The combined treatment of Chinese and Western medicine has better clinical results in the recovery of local symptoms in patients with pit viper bites and is more effective than conventional Western medicine alone
}, year = {2023}, journal = {Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews}, pages = {1-12}, publisher = {Informa UK Limited}, issn = {0264-8725, 2046-5556}, doi = {10.1080/02648725.2023.2200307}, language = {Eng}, }