@article{101426, keywords = {Climate changes, Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), Leishmaniasis, Malaria}, author = {Klepac P and Hsieh JL and Ducker CL and Assoum M and Booth M and Byrne I and Dodson S and Martin DL and Turner CMR and van Daalen KR and Abela B and Akamboe J and Alves F and Brooker SJ and Ciceri-Reynolds K and Cole J and Desjardins A and Drakeley C and Ediriweera DS and Ferguson NM and Gabrielli AF and Gahir J and Jain S and John MR and Juma E and Kanayson P and Deribe K and King JD and Kipingu AM and Kiware S and Kolaczinski J and Kulei WJ and Laizer TL and Lal V and Lowe R and Maige JS and Mayer S and McIver L and Mosser JF and Nicholls RS and Nunes-Alves C and Panjwani J and Parameswaran N and Polson K and Radoykova H and Ramani A and Reimer LJ and Reynolds ZM and Ribeiro I and Robb A and Sanikullah KH and Smith DRM and Shirima GG and Shott JP and Tidman R and Tribe L and Turner J and Vaz Nery S and Velayudhan R and Warusavithana S and Wheeler HS and Yajima A and Abdilleh AR and Hounkpatin B and Wangmo D and Whitty CJM and Campbell-Lendrum D and Hollingsworth TD and Solomon AW and Fall IS}, title = {Climate change, malaria and neglected tropical diseases: a scoping review}, abstract = {
To explore the effects of climate change on malaria and 20 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), and potential effect amelioration through mitigation and adaptation, we searched for papers published from January 2010 to October 2023. We descriptively synthesised extracted data. We analysed numbers of papers meeting our inclusion criteria by country and national disease burden, healthcare access and quality index (HAQI), as well as by climate vulnerability score. From 42 693 retrieved records, 1543 full-text papers were assessed. Of 511 papers meeting the inclusion criteria, 185 studied malaria, 181 dengue and chikungunya and 53 leishmaniasis; other NTDs were relatively understudied. Mitigation was considered in 174 papers (34%) and adaption strategies in 24 (5%). Amplitude and direction of effects of climate change on malaria and NTDs are likely to vary by disease and location, be non-linear and evolve over time. Available analyses do not allow confident prediction of the overall global impact of climate change on these diseases. For dengue and chikungunya and the group of non-vector-borne NTDs, the literature privileged consideration of current low-burden countries with a high HAQI. No leishmaniasis papers considered outcomes in East Africa. Comprehensive, collaborative and standardised modelling efforts are needed to better understand how climate change will directly and indirectly affect malaria and NTDs.
}, year = {2024}, journal = {Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene}, volume = {118}, pages = {561-579}, publisher = {Oxford University Press (OUP)}, issn = {0035-9203, 1878-3503}, url = {https://watermark.silverchair.com/trae026.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA1gwggNUBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggNFMIIDQQIBADCCAzoGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMTF9L2wk6Gi78EQr8AgEQgIIDC9vD-Fa12tMTkMMm7QRNraiYeUzfyK2Drqvalh7j2L5GOWo}, doi = {10.1093/trstmh/trae026}, language = {ENG}, }