@article{101368, keywords = {Associated factors, Health District, Mental Health, Patients, Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)}, author = {Victorine O and Yvonne B and Inna M and Cedric T and Louise N}, title = {Factors Associated with Mental Health Care Utilization among Neglected Tropical Disease Patients in Three Central Cameroon Healthcare Districts}, abstract = {
Introduction: Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are a major public health issue affecting over 1.5 billion people worldwide, with the African Region bearing the heaviest burden, accounting for more than 40% of global morbidity. Despite the efforts of the Cameroon government and its technical partners on early diagnosis and case management, NTDs remain prevalent, with sequelae, and the stigma that patients suffer. In this context, our study aims to describe the factors associated with seeking mental health care among people affected by NTDs in the Health Districts of Akonolinga, Ayos, and Monatélé.
Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study, conducted over a period of one (01) month from August to September 2023. The study population consisted of People Affected by Neglected Tropical Diseases (PANTDs). Individual and institutional characteristics were examined as variables. Quantitative data from a survey form were entered into Kobo Collect and analyzed using SPSS software version 25.0.
Results: Among 120 people affected by neglected tropical diseases (PANTDs) who participated in the study, only 15 (12.5%) sought mental health care. The factors significantly associated with seeking mental health care among PANTDs in the Health Districts were: age (p-value=0.017), type of treatment (p-value=0.046), discussion of mental health care (p-value=0.046), and the existence of community mental health services (p-value=0.046).
Conclusion: Taking into account mental problems relating to NTDs remains limited. Advocacy deserves to be strengthened and awareness raised at the level of health authorities and within communities for mental health.
}, year = {2024}, journal = {International Research in Medical and Health Sciences}, pages = {37-48}, url = {https://www.irmhs.com/index.php/irmhs/article/download/163/132/}, language = {ENG}, }