@article{101034, keywords = {Leprosy, Infection, Polychondritis, Relapsing}, author = {Goel R and Rashmi R and Ghosh D and Ghosh P}, title = {Case Report: Leprosy Masquerading as Relapsing Polychondritis}, abstract = {

Autoimmune rheumatic diseases (AIRDs) are known for their systemic presentations and multi-organ involvement. Numerous infectious diseases, particularly mycobacterial, fungal and indolent bacterial infections endemic to specific geographic regions, present with varied signs and symptoms of multi-system involvement and can mimic AIRDs. Thus, differentiating infection from an AIRD is critical to resolve competing treatment approaches. This case report demonstrates the need for clinicians to actively look for, and rule out, infections in patients with systemic manifestations and/or suspected AIRD.

}, year = {2024}, journal = {American College of Rheumatology}, url = {https://www.the-rheumatologist.org/article/case-report-leprosy-masquerading-as-relapsing-polychondritis/}, language = {ENG}, }