@article{100992, keywords = {Drug Design, Drug Discovery, Medicinal chemistry, Artificial Intelligence in Public Health, Drug repositioning, neglected diseases}, author = {Bongiovani F and A. Ferreira-Junior M and S. Santos S and G. Vargas J and I. A. Ferreira E}, title = {Drug Repositioning and Artificial Intelligence: Is It a Promising Approach to be Used for Neglected Diseases?}, abstract = {Drug repositioning involves the use of a determined drug in a different indication and has been widely used for some therapeutic classes. Artificial intelligence, in turn, has been a trend in the modern world of innovation, including in drug design. Those approaches are apparently paradoxical (the former is not considered as properly an innovative method to introduce new molecules/drugs into the market, although the latter is) can be used as complementary. In this review, we present some concepts of both methods, their advantages, possible disadvantages, and some applications in drug design in general to improve different aspects of drug development. Examples of the use of both methods together have been given for many therapeutic classes. Notwithstanding, their application in the search for drugs for neglected diseases, although somehow stimulated, deserves more discussion, mainly in light of the social aspects of these infections.}, year = {2024}, journal = {Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society}, pages = {1-18}, publisher = {Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica (SBQ)}, issn = {0103-5053, 1678-4790}, url = {https://www.scielo.br/j/jbchs/a/QcHJfSnZptHFS9wrKMLD78v/?format=pdf&lang=en}, doi = {10.21577/0103-5053.20240159}, language = {ENG}, }